In the most Southerly village on mainland Australia, the Ossie McCutcheon Regatta offered two fine days sailing at Apollo Bay in the wind and waves of Bass Strait. With winds from 10-20 knots and 3m swell, Trophy Honours went to Lewis Davies and John Radnell on Flying Flamingo 3890 who adapted best to the changing conditions and proved too hard to beat all weekend.

Lewis & John, with Ossie Mc Trophy
and meat tray from Foodworks Apollo Bay!

Four Classics from Apollo Bay sailed. Karilyn and Stephan Ras on Shiralee 1683 came from the back of the fleet to lead the Classics towards the end after some ding-dong battles with Bruce Johnson & Geraldine Lewin on April Dancer 1115 and Peter Bourne and Anton Tibbits on Miss Molly 2380. Miss Molly, built for Sir Osborn McCutcheon in 1978,

Dale Collings won the Handicap Trophy with crew Wayne Fallows.
Dale pictured with a feed of gummy shark from Apollo Bay Fishing Co op.

celebrates her 40th birthday this year. Tim Cobb and Chris Adams on Affrodite 962 pipped new pairing Cam Taylor and Ed Brewis on SNAFU 4007 in one of the races after a close fought spinnaker run down the swell but otherwise the

April Dancer and Shiralee, while Rainbow Warrior looks on

Mark3’s took line honours and handicap. Gavin Dagley provided invaluable advice and coaching throughout the regatta with marked improvements in sailing over the weekend and lots of things to work on in future weeks.

Miss Molly, Shiralee and Affrodite (L to R)